Valdes Peninsula

March 2, 2019 – March 3, 2019

Valdes Peninsula is a marine nature reserve on the south Atlantic coast of Argentina, famous for its protection of the southern right whale, its elephant seal breeding grounds, and for the unique hunting strategy that the local orcas use….they go so far as to temporarily beach themselves in order to grab at young sea lions at the water’s edge. We headed to the peninsula for the day to see what we could see.

These small salt flats have a pink hue.
This little guy advanced on everyone who arrived at one of the mirador parking lots. Apparently, food habituation extends to armadillos too.
Another shot, because how often do you get to see armadillos?
Seals basking.
Sea lions.

We knew that we were not going to see the southern right whales, as they are normally only seen off shore here from May to December, but we did hope to spot some orcas, and maybe even get to see them hunting….we understood that our timing would have to be perfect, as even if orcas are spotted off shore, they do not always beach themselves to hunt.

We arrived at the mirador where many have reported seeing the orcas hunting. There were several sea lions around, and we scanned the waters for orcas…nothing. We lost interest fairly quickly and decided to leave….we were having attention span issues and it was a long bumpy ride to get out of the park and we still needed to find a place to camp for the night. Sometimes you’re a good, patient tourist, and sometimes you are not.

The following are pictures I took of photos that were posted at the mirador showing the orcas hunting….I could almost pass them off as being my own, but it would just be so wrong to make you think, even for a second, that the photos were mine and that we had captured the moments so wonderfully. I wish I could credit the actual photographer, but there were no notes on the signs as to who the photographer was.

Again, not my photo, just a photo of which I took a picture which captured an orca beaching itself to hunt the young sea lions.
Another disclaimer…not my photo, wish it was! I know orcas are not sharks, but wouldn’t a bit of the Jaw’s movie music go well with this photo? Dunh dunh, Dunh dunh…..
Last one…again, not my photo, but can you imagine seeing this in person? It is pretty violent, and pretty dramatic, but it is nature in action and would have been incredible to see….although I can’t help but feel bad for the little sea lions we saw cavorting in surf, thinking they were safe so close to shore.

We found a nice camping spot outside of the park, high on a cliff, overlooking the ocean. We continued to scan the water for orca fins, but without luck. But that is how it goes, it’s not Marine Land after all, and wildlife spotting is never a guaranteed thing…but that is part of what makes it so wonderful when you do get the opportunity to see wildlife in its natural environment.

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