Tag Archives: rats

In Search of Whales and Boobies

July 25, 2018 – July 27, 2018

We had decided in Quito, after much discussion, that we would not make the side trip out to the Galapagos Islands.  Friends we had met on the road had offered to watch Piper for us if we went, but we decided that if we did go we wanted to do it on a 7 or 8 day cruise, plus maybe spend some time on one of the islands, and that it could quickly become a 10 or 12 day trip.  That’s a long time to leave Piper, and we would have to find a place to stash the truck.  In addition, the trip would easily cost or $8,000 Canadian dollars, and when Derek calculated how many kilometres we could drive for that much money (a lot!), we decided that the Galapagos would have to wait.

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